Indian Foot & Ankle Society
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President & Secretary Message

Dear Members,

We offer our deep gratitude for the support and faith you have bestowed on to us. We will try to live up to your expectations.

On the Academic front we will strive to enhance our educational exchanges.

We, as a team, intend to organize more satellite meetings so that we members of the IFAS can meet more often and enrich not only our scientific knowledge but also our social bonding as an IFAS family. We, also intend to take these scientific meetings to the remote corners.

We will consolidate our financial aspects and keep our account and transactions transparent.

We will try to improve the administrative aspect. For which we have reformed our committee member list which will be soon available in the IFAS website.

Our Vision for the year 2024-25

“Defining Gold Standards of foot and ankle care”

The action plan will be: -

  • Forming guidelines and protocols of management of foot and ankle ailments and publish them on IFAS website member’s area
  • Developing mentorship programs for the younger generation that will benefit in improving standards of care and learn the practical aspects.
  • Scientific meetings

Collectively, we should achieve goals of improved patient care as we set new standards for the subspecialty of Foot and Ankle.

We request all the members to contribute actively to make this society a premier society of the Indian Orthopedic Association.


Dr. Kamal Dureja

Dr. Abhijit Bandyopadhyay
Hon. Secretary